German Serial Killers – Antibodies

I wonder, really wonder, why there aren’t more movies like this accessible to hands like mine. Really, really wonder. I’m a girl who really enjoys things like horror, murder, serial killers, psychological rapings. Yet, somehow, the films made my Germans which encompass said themes aren’t just… added into my Netflix queue by magic. This is actually the first one that has even been in the “You Might Like This Because…” area.

Holy shit, what an excellent mindfuck. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. They didn’t pull back on anything. Anything. If they did, I’m actually a little stunned. If there are cut scenes more graphic and brutal than the scenes that actually made it into this film? I’m sure they’ve been set on fire. And if they weren’t set on fire, I hope to god they’re on the dvd, because I’m buying it as soon as I can.

Two things I should note:

1. Hearing Mass said in German is pretty fucking hilarious. It sounds so musical in Latin, and yet so harsh and abraiding in German. It was like being scolded the entire time.

2. You cannot say something is starring Norman Reedus if Norman Reedus dies in the first 10 minutes.

Black Snake Moan – Request

I suppose this is another one I was sort of mislead on. I couldn’t tell you if it was due to commercials or other people, but I had sort of an entirely different idea of what was going to go on.

Not that this movie was bad, in any way.

In fact, it was incredibly fantastic. I’ve already stated previously how I feel about Samuel L Jackson, but I sort of feel like I need to say it again. The man is a fucking badass. How does he manage to be so awesome ALL THE TIME? No other human being on the planet could possibly withstand the amount of awesome he holds on a constant basis. They would explode.

And I have to say when they did the scenes with him singing, I about had a heart attack. I think I stopped breathing. I was not expecting that at all, and it sort of hits you in the face like a sledge hammer. (hello Peter Gabriel song suddenly going through my head) I could rewatch the storm scene like fifty times without getting sick of it.

It’s a little bit of a brain mess watching Penelope and then Black Snake Moan. But it certainly does a good job of showing what a varied and accomplished actress Christina Ricci is.

Not that I need to say it with such a rave review, but I really really loved this movie. A lot. I need to own this movie, soon.