Bioshock (finished)

I am proud to say that shortly before I made my massive cross country move, I managed to finish BioShock. Not that it took a lot of effort. As it goes with games that you’ve fallen in love with, the time slips by unnoticed, you’re startled and confused when you see the sun coming around your curtains or peeking in through the little window in the kitchen door. Really, if I’d only had one day to go through this whole game, I would have done it. Even if it meant driving 26 hours with blurry eyes and the inability to think about anything but Little Sisters and if I should Harvest them.

Overall, a very enjoyable game. Very enjoyable. I will be playing this game again, there is no doubt about that.

Despite my small inability to save the Little Sisters, as I spoke about in a previous post, I did not regret the choices I made or the actions I took. I can play it again and try to save them this time, instead of saving one and then harvesting the next three on reflex. Or… I can try and fail. We’ll see.

I was very happy, very very happy, when I got to put on a Big Daddy costume and lumber about. There are certain sounds that I’m attracted to in games, and I can’t quite explain it or even really know when a particular sound is going to grab a hold of me and make me adore it. The sound of the Big Daddy is one of them. So the fact that I not only got to dress like one, but that I ended up sounding like one, well, it really tickled me. If I could have had more time with that, gone back to some old places and just kind of kicked around for a while, killing those fucking weird ass half dead junkie assholes wantonly, I think I would have been a happy girl for at least a few hours without further need of plot or direction.

I don’t know how I escaped knowing about that particular feature of the game. It’s not like (even though it may at times seem so) I have been living in a cave. People around me have been playing and talking about this game since it came out. SINCE IT CAME OUT. Yet, I had no clue. Somehow the spoilers of this joy flew by me like greased pigeons. I was well and truly surprised at the discovery. And joyful. I cannot go on without saying the word joyful some more. Joyful.

I’m excited to play the next game in the series, whenever I can get my hands on it. Which, given how long it took me for this one, might very well be right around the time they’re making the fourth. I would roll my eyes at myself, but then I’d have to get up and go look in a mirror, and I’m just not that into moving at the moment.

There is nothing more that I can really say. Truly. Love. Deep, penetrating love, filled to the brim love, a little glad I’m behind so I don’t have to wait for more love. Play this game. Play it a lot. Never sell it. Not even if you’re going to starve to death if you don’t.

The Force Unleashed II

I know a lot of people who have played this game and found it to be disappointing. I have heard plenty of complaints about the story and the gameplay, that they were haphazard the both of them.

I, however, very much enjoyed playing the Secret Apprentice again. I thought the story made sense, and I thought that it was very interestingly played out. I didn’t have any issues at all with the game itself.

Of course, there may be some that argue that this is due to my overwhelming love for Star Wars. But I can assure you, there are things within the Star Wars universe that I don’t enjoy. Like the first two prequel movies. And as a gamer, I wouldn’t say that I enjoyed a game if I only liked the concept of it. I play video games because I think they’re fun. If a game is not fun, I put it down. I have done this a couple of times, though for the most part I’ve been pretty good at picking stuff that I enjoy very much.

So yes, I genuinely enjoyed having Starkiller brought back, and I think that they made it so it could happen again. Both endings for Force Unleashed II open things up to another game. Which was something I was concerned about going in, since Force Unleashed didn’t exactly leave room for that. I didn’t know how they were going to pull off explaining how a second game could happen. But I’m satisfied with what they did.

I’m also happy with the mild changes in control of force powers and leveling them up.

On top of really loving this game, the fact that it’s Star Wars and the game itself, I also gained an added bonus for it while playing. I broached 20,000 gamer points with it.

Godfather II (Game)

I gotta say, I really thought there would be a post preempting this one to say how much I was actually afraid to play this game because I liked it so much that the first night I played it, I played for 8 hours straight and didn’t realize until the sun was shining through the window on my kitchen door.

It did continue to eat my life, don’t get me wrong. The second time I played, it was for four hours, and I just finished it up with a three hour stretch. There was no way for me to put down the controller, it just wasn’t happening. The story was great, the game was fantastic.

Remember when I said, back when I talked about the first one, that I wished that there were two more missions? I know why there wasn’t now. Not sure exactly why I didn’t expect them to make another one, the movies are a trilogy, after all. And now I can expect that this will end as a trilogy too. Can’t I? I hope I can.

I really enjoyed some of the added elements in this one. I loved being able to fly to different cities and explore them. Although, I hated Florida. Mostly because it’s really easy to get lost in Florida, and end up going to an island you didn’t intend or need to go to. I was doing that constantly. And it’s my fault, I know. I don’t really use the map system like it’s supposed to be used. I just try to get to the dot. I drive toward it without paying much attention to roads. It results in getting lost, car accidents, and a lot of dead pedestrians.

Don’t think it’s just this game, either. Cause it’s not. It’s all games with maps. I love having maps, but I totally misuse them, and I can admit to that.

I really liked doing favors for people in this one, too. I do wish the favors would have been more random and of a wider variety, but I can’t say it exactly got dull killing people and tearing apart a store.

One of my favorite parts was driving around with the classical music station on, because for the most part it played the more comedic music. William Tell Overture and the like. The things you see in movies to accentuate the funny bits. It really gave a nice soundtrack to things as I ran people over or crashed headlong into cars in the opposite lane because I wasn’t paying attention to the road, just the map.

I was pretty fucking amused the entire time I played, too. Between the story, my own antics, the side quests, the beatings and all the rest of it, I can honestly say that there was not a moment of dullness in this whole thing.

There is one recommendation I want to make: If you’re going to use your guys to go try to take over a business without you, have something of your own to do while it happens. Just sitting there and waiting is probably the one thing that could ruin your play time. I didn’t do this much, myself. I’m more the hands on kind of boss. I like to get in there and shoot guys myself. Also, in doing so, you get to coerce more money out of the owners through violence. How could I say no?

Some thoughts I had while playing

– Does it mean anything that my gangsters all look like greasers?
– Fuck Florida
– No! Guys! Don’t shoot the cops, you’re only going to make things wor… fuck. FUCK. Fuck fuck fuck.
– Well. I didn’t mean to actually kill that guy. Oops.
– Goddamn it. Why would you give me information on how to kill guys in a different state?
– That’s it. I’m killing you all.
– Cooba.
– You wanted to fuck with me, and now your whole family is dead.
– Hey, guy? Could you please come heal me? Before I die? You have two seconds. You fucker. Were you whacking off over there? I should shoot you in the face.
– Man. I like being in Cuba, but the cops hate me there.
– Now that you’re all dead, I’m going back to Cuba.
– Why are the cops so after my ass all the time? Oh yeah. I tried to assassinate their leader.
– Wow, that sound is dirty.
– I should probably get out of this building before it exp…lodes. …
– My roommate thought this would be amusing to watch before, she should see it now that I have armored cars.
– That’s right, bitches. I rule your world now.

Outpost Kaloki X

I have finally purchased this arcade game after wanting it for a few years. I had it at one point, when I was dating somebody, but when I got my own Xbox (we’d been sharing), I had to leave it on his, it wouldn’t transfer for some reason. I’d gotten not very far on it, but I loved the game. I don’t know why it took me so long. But oh well.

Previous to that, I had played it before it was released to the public. I was a game tester then, and on breaks and in free time, I played that game. I loved it then, too. But my contract ended before I finished.

So this marks the third time I’ll be attempting to play this game, and it’s not because it’s hard or I don’t love it. It’s that Fate seems to like to stand in my way.

Dragon Age: Classes

I’ve played two games of Dragon Age thus far. One as a rogue, the other a warrior. I think the stories would have differed greatly even if my two characters hadn’t been so vastly different (My rogue was a female elf, my warrior a male noble). Just because between the casts the abilities and how people respond to you are so vastly set apart.

I sort of hated not being a rogue. The fact that you ALWAYS then have to cart around either a whiny chantry cunt or a horny assassin elf is a little annoying. (Can you tell my characters aren’t exactly nice?). They both disapprove of so many things I wanted to do, of course, Zevran disapproved of less. Thus, I attached him to my team at all times. I hated not being able to pick my own locks, or guile my way through things. Obnoxious. Always having to switch characters to open a chest or deactivate traps, obnoxious.

On the other hand, I didn’t use nearly as many health poultices as I did when I was a rogue. So by the end, I had stacked up well over a hundred, without ever once having to buy one. I had so many injury kits that I really just didn’t know what to do with them. As a warrior, I was such a powerhouse that nobody even had a chance to get hurt. Plus, as a warrior noble, I was apparently a chick magnet. Not only did I bed Morrigan long before everything I read said it was even possible, but I had the ability to bat my manly eyelashes and lure any unsuspecting female into my tent. Who KNEW there were so many NPCs you could make out with in this game?

My problem with both of the characters I have already played is that neither of them could bed Leliana. She just wasn’t interested in them. Considering they were both quite attractive, I’m leaning toward ‘She just doesn’t dig evil’. Well, I’ll show her, won’t I? I’ll be nice with my next character. Yes sir, I will. Then we’ll play Bag The Bard, and see who ends up in bed with who.

German Serial Killers – Antibodies

I wonder, really wonder, why there aren’t more movies like this accessible to hands like mine. Really, really wonder. I’m a girl who really enjoys things like horror, murder, serial killers, psychological rapings. Yet, somehow, the films made my Germans which encompass said themes aren’t just… added into my Netflix queue by magic. This is actually the first one that has even been in the “You Might Like This Because…” area.

Holy shit, what an excellent mindfuck. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. They didn’t pull back on anything. Anything. If they did, I’m actually a little stunned. If there are cut scenes more graphic and brutal than the scenes that actually made it into this film? I’m sure they’ve been set on fire. And if they weren’t set on fire, I hope to god they’re on the dvd, because I’m buying it as soon as I can.

Two things I should note:

1. Hearing Mass said in German is pretty fucking hilarious. It sounds so musical in Latin, and yet so harsh and abraiding in German. It was like being scolded the entire time.

2. You cannot say something is starring Norman Reedus if Norman Reedus dies in the first 10 minutes.

Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise OR Holy Hell, Where Did My Life Go?

I am now officially the owner of every version of the Viva Pinata games that exist at this time. I’m actually quite surprised that being in possession of these games, I still find time to breathe and blink.

When I saw the DS version sitting in the bargain bin for 14 dollars, I really couldn’t pass it up. Not since I adore the other games and have actually been wanting this one since it came out.

I did get it thinking that it would be a scaled down version of the 360 games. That it wouldn’t be such a time suck. That I would be able to run through it for a couple minutes and then put it down and read the book I’m currently in the middle of.


It is a miniature version of the game. But not so much. It might be miniature only in the sense that it is physically smaller than the other versions. From all I can tell the tools and menus have been simplified, but it’s just as much an Obsessive-Compulsive’s dream. You micromanage everything, just as you do in the bigger games. You have to do everything just like those other games. EVERYTHING.

I’m so amazed that so much information can go onto such a little tiny thing.

When I opened the manual, which I do more out of looking at pictures than figuring out gameplay (cause it’s just so much easier to do that WHILE playing, in my opinion), I got the impression that there were only a couple of pinata in this game, period. That these were the ones that you were going to work with, these – the most popular for kids.


The ones they talk about in the manual, that I just looked at the pictures of and didn’t read any of the text? Yeah, they’re just the ones that teach you how to do shit. You still have to start from the worms and go up.

It’s absolutely insane. Completely unfathomable.

It’s not right, I tell you.

I have previously stated that I believed the Viva Pinata creators were masking their plot for world domination, and now I have to further emphasize my point. These games are meant to distract us while they just waltz in and sit down in the Seat Of Power and control everything. Cause we’ll just be sitting there, playing our various Pinata games, cursing at the goddamned hippo to just eat the fucking plant and be a resident already to even notice that somebody is hijacking our lives. Not that we’ll care, of course. Because they will continue to supply us with Pinata games to sate our needs.

I for one welcome our new Pinata overlords.

Brutal Legend

Been a while since I wrote about a game, isn’t it? It’s also been a while since I last had the attention span to do so. I was struggling with the two newest games I have – Overlord 2 and The Godfather 2, and I didn’t know why. Then it dawned on me one day. I needed something that didn’t take a lot of strategy, something I could get lost in for hours without realizing it, and something that would be incredibly fun to play.

Not that either of those games is boring. But there’s a certain amount of thinking that you’ve got to do in both of them in order to advance the game. All I wanted was a game that I could fart around on if I wanted to, and progress the game through when I wanted to, all without having to use too much of my brain.

Somebody suggested to me that I try Brutal Legend, and I have to say that it’s exactly what I was looking for. There are some moments when you have to think about what you’ve got to do, but it’s not the bulk of the game. Plus I can ride around in the car or on animals and just… do that. Or look for the artifacts. All while listening to heavy metal.

Oh, and Jack Black.

The art is beautiful, and the colors are vivid. I love looking at this game. I also love how some people’s hands are way too big for their bodies.

I think I’m about 40% through at this point, so I can’t talk too much about the rest of the game, but so far what I’ve seen, I really like. And on my first night playing, I played for 6 hours. It’s exactly what I needed.

Black Snake Moan – Request

I suppose this is another one I was sort of mislead on. I couldn’t tell you if it was due to commercials or other people, but I had sort of an entirely different idea of what was going to go on.

Not that this movie was bad, in any way.

In fact, it was incredibly fantastic. I’ve already stated previously how I feel about Samuel L Jackson, but I sort of feel like I need to say it again. The man is a fucking badass. How does he manage to be so awesome ALL THE TIME? No other human being on the planet could possibly withstand the amount of awesome he holds on a constant basis. They would explode.

And I have to say when they did the scenes with him singing, I about had a heart attack. I think I stopped breathing. I was not expecting that at all, and it sort of hits you in the face like a sledge hammer. (hello Peter Gabriel song suddenly going through my head) I could rewatch the storm scene like fifty times without getting sick of it.

It’s a little bit of a brain mess watching Penelope and then Black Snake Moan. But it certainly does a good job of showing what a varied and accomplished actress Christina Ricci is.

Not that I need to say it with such a rave review, but I really really loved this movie. A lot. I need to own this movie, soon.

Slipstream – Again

In my last post I wrote out the words “I can’t believe I’m not even on cold medicine yet.” The key word there being yet. When it kicked in, I had to stop this movie, because… well. Many reasons. You don’t really need to be high in any way to feel like Anthony Hopkins is fucking with your head, and it also became slightly confusing to my eyes, so many flashing scenes, it was hard for my eyes to focus.

There are three main pieces of advice I feel the need to give out here before I continue.

1. If you don’t like surrealism, you have no business watching this movie. If you do watch it, being not a fan of the surrealist movement, and discover yourself angered or otherwise unhappy with your viewing time, it’s your own goddamned fault. If you do not like/adamantly hate a particular genre, don’t watch said genre, because you’re not going to enjoy yourself. It’s pretty simple.

2. Do not take cold medicine to watch this movie.

3. Watch it all at once. The experience will be much more fulfilling for you.

I, myself, am a very large fan of surrealism. Of course, I had no idea that’s what I was getting into when I clicked on the play button in Netflix. I mainly did it because I saw the words “Written and directed by Anthony Hopkins”. I’m a very very big fan of his, so I couldn’t really pass it up.

The problem I’m finding with Netflix is that the descriptions don’t really fit or tell you what’s truly going to happen in the movie you’re about to watch. I discovered this huge flaw for the first time (the first time rather glaringly, I should say) when I watched Decent. You know, that one with Rosario Dawson and rape? That was not fully explained in the description. It didn’t even hint at what the ending was going to be like, and I sort of feel like it should have.
In this case, nobody saw fit to mention that there would be heavy surrealism going on. Not that I feel the need to be forewarned about that every time, but it’d be nice to know I should wait to take my cold medication until I’m done with the movie.

I find myself making comparisons to the movie Stay now that I’ve watched all of Slipstream. There are some very clear similarities, though things are done in a different way. Two different stories using similar keys in them.
I really liked Stay, a lot. A lot a lot. I don’t have a good enough vocabulary to fully expound on how much I adore Stay. Naturally I’m having similar feelings to this movie.

I love things that make me think. Really love them. I love things that are fucked up. I love surrealism. I love Anthony Hopkins. There really wasn’t a single part of this movie I didn’t love. Everything was done so beautifully.

Anthony Hopkins has a wonderfully visual mind. You get the impression that he’s extremely intelligent just from any brief TMZ encounter with him, you know that he’s a good actor. But you don’t really get a good look inside of his head. With this movie, I feel like he opens himself up and shows you a glimpse of what he’s capable of. Really capable of. Just a tiny little look that leaves the impression that if he were given the reins of the world, nothing would ever be the same.

One further thing I feel I have to make note of, not that it really has to do with the movie itself or Anthony Hopkins, is the fact that for the past few days, every movie I have decided to watch has had Michael Clark Duncan in it. I’m unsure if this is a Universe Note or what, but it’s been pretty strange.

This movie is definitely not for everyone. I’m not going to tell everyone to rush out and find it as soon as possible as I do with other films. But I am going to say that I enjoyed it 100%, and I would like Anthony Hopkins to do more of this kind of thing.


Pretty please.

Pretty please with fava beans on top.

The Tudors – Seasons 1 + 2

There’s one very large issue with watching a historically based show. Even if the story doesn’t follow the texts perfectly, even if some things are added or removed, it’s all pretty much pre-determined. No matter who you might want to see prevail, no matter who you might come to like a whole lot, or hate more than you thought you would, there’s only one end the trail can come to in the end.

Having said that – I very much enjoyed watching King Henry VIII prance around in the body of Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the most dramatic fashion possible.

There are a couple story lines within the main spectacle that I wish they had continued to follow. Such as the choir boy and the ghost girl. That was getting really really interesting when they abandoned it. Actually, that kid sort of vanished completely, come to think of it.

Besides the pretty cast, the main thing that attracted me to this show is the gorgeous costumes. I would more than gladly run around in dresses like they put on the women in the show – all the women, and thinks it’s incredibly unfair that I’d get laughed at and/or placed in a loony bin if I did so now.

The chick that they got to play Anne Boleyn did her job very well, and pulled off the crazy and jealous very well. I definitely believed that she went out of her effing gourd there at the end. Bat shit. That cackle she perfected is something to be reckoned with. And the nutball look she can produce in her eyes, that’s not easy to do.

It’s funny how you start to recall what you learned in history over 10 years ago when you’re watching a television show about it.

I’m also now considering watching The Other Boleyn Girl just to see how it compares. It already has the distinct disadvantage of not being able to run out it’s story through 20 hours. But perhaps that means that it held itself to a higher standard? It’s also difficult to imagine them being able to find actors that can hold a candle to the ones in this show.

I can’t believe that I watched the entire 20 hours in two and a half days. It went by so quickly. And in my watching, I’ve decided that I would like thousands of people ready to shit their pants at my say so.

Yuuzhan Vong

Oh hell yes.


Vector Prime didn’t get a whole lot into the actual Yuuzhan Vong or their society, but the little bitty taste that I’ve gotten has definitely whet my appetite for more. I need more! They’re so fucking badass that it hurts. It hurts so very good.

I think I’d like to see something, some sort of time-jumping AU where the Yuuzhan Vong meet Darth Vader. And then together, they take over the universe and make bitches of the Jedi.

They could make Vader some really cool sentient bio-mechanical armor to replace his normal stuff and then he’d be all neat.

This is very haphazard. I’m sorry. I’m just so excited about the Yuuzhan Vong. I’d been told that I would love them to bits, and it’s true. But it’s more than that. I more than love them. I extra love them.

Let the invasion begin!

I finally finished The Last Command, which is the last of three in the Thrawn trilogy. I really enjoyed the books, and I really enjoy Timothy Zahn’s writing quite a bit. But I’ve been getting more and more excited to move into my next set of books, which have to do with the Yuuzhan Vong.

I’ve actually been waiting to read about these guys since I was first told about them. How could I not love them?

And, as I expected, I’m not even a third into the first book, and I’m already enthralled.

More to come on the Yuuzhan Vong later. I just needed a moment to express my glee.

Fable 2: Part 2

It’s occurred to me that I haven’t posted anything about Fable 2 since I got it. And really, that’s a horrifying shame. I shouldn’t have ever let it go this long. It’s just not right. Of course, I’m still farting around with the game, still doing stuff, so it’s only natural for my brain to assume that I’m not completely done with it. And it would be right, really.

So. I’m just going to go about this as if everybody here has played Fable. So if you haven’t, some things might not make sense. But I’m sure we’re all smart people and will either be able to figure it out, or will figure it out AND go play Fable.

Fable 2 takes the line that Fable pushed at and goes beyond it. There were things in the first game that we saw and laughed at because they were just so close to certain ideas but never dared to toe the water to see if it would be okay to jump in. Fable 2 jumps in, then it swims around a little bit, goes off the diving board a few times. Maybe it even pees in the water. In this case, peeing in the water is a good thing. It shows just how far the creators were willing to take it.

Fable promised a free roaming map, but still only really let you go the places you needed to. Fable 2 takes away those restrictions and lets you wander into places you have no business being. And sometimes, they even reward you for wandering so far off the beaten path that you need to check your map just to see where the hell you are.

I’ve enjoyed every part of this game. From the fact that you can choose to be evil or good to the fact that you can choose to be homosexual or straight. It’s especially nice that your children reflect your alignment. Oh yeah, I didn’t mention that? You can have children.

The graphics are glorious, the music – as with the first one – is soothing and changes. The mini games can take up hours of your time. All the side quests have been enjoyable. The addition of guns was, frankly, brilliant. For those of us who like to employ the use of long-range weapons but aren’t fond of crossbows, it was a blessing. The prostitutes are also amusing, mostly the male ones. Oh, and cross dressing. I can’t forget the cross dressing.

The only thing that I would change would be the ability to upgrade the houses. In this game, instead of paying the sign outside so that you can upgrade the whole thing, you can do the furniture individually. It’s nice, but it means that you still have crappy peeling wallpaper while all of your furniture is shiny and new. It might be nice to have a manse in the slums, just so you can rub it in people’s faces and get more evil points.

Also, I wish that the children would actually follow you out of the town so that they could be sacrificed at the Temple of Shadow. I mean, if you’re going to let me take my wife there, why not my kid?

Viva Pinata – Trouble In Paradise

I’ve determined that the entire Viva Pinata franchise was made by somebody who is determined to take over the world. In all seriousness. And they’re going to manage to succeed, too. They’re going to walk in while people are playing and say “Well, now this is all mine” and we’re going to go, as a whole, “Shhh. I just got a new resident.”

As if it wasn’t bad enough to have the original game, something that entirely consumes hours and hours of life without the player being aware of what’s going on, allowing those of us with OCD to micromanage until our hearts are content, they decided to come out with a party game. The party game wasn’t quite as time consuming, but still pretty bad because it was fun and a new interesting thing to play at parties. Unexpectedly twisted, just like the first game, and challenging enough to keep our attention.

Then, like the devils they are, they came out with a third game. Viva Pinata – Trouble in Paradise. It works like the first game with some adjustments and tweaks to the mild issues the first one had.

But they didn’t stop there, no. Waiting only one week from the release of TIP, they gave us Pocket Paradise. Yes. A Viva Pinata for the DS.

Do you see where I’m going with this? It’s a plot for world domination. A brilliant one, at that.

So far what I’ve seen of this, they’ve taken away the need to hammer out the whole plot of land with a shovel before you’re able to do anything with it, which is a good thing. I found it an annoying first step. But it was unavoidable when making a new garden, so there was very little complaint about it. They’ve also apparently taken away the need to find some place in your garden to put the crates you get from Pinata Central. Because there’s a spot for them. I’ve yet to discover if this impedes garden creation or not, because my garden is still small.

They also give you your first pinata in the new garden for free. Plus some flowers. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this right now. I can see how it’s helpful, but it takes away that joy of attracting and getting that first visitor. But all the random stuff that gets put in does give you things to sell right off the bat if you want, so you can have a little bit of coinage.

I’m also not sure how I feel about the changes to the mating mini game. I can see why they did it of course. It’s all about the challenge. But when I’ve been up playing this game for 7 or more hours, and daylight is peeking through the top of my curtains, I’m not sure I want things to be harder. It’s probably going to be one of those things I appreciate at all times save for when my eyes are falling out of my head, on fire, because of the amount of time I’ve spent staring at the TV.

I’ve been enjoying TIP very much for the most part, though. I haven’t gotten very far, to be honest, because at the get go I recognized it for what it was and decided to set it aside so I could have control over my life for just a little while longer. I needed to be able to function for PAX, and then of course Force Unleashed and Lego Batman were coming out. But now I have time before Fable 2, so I’ll probably get back to this game, and nobody will see me for days on end. Perhaps weeks.

Fable 2

In a little more than a month, Fable 2 will be resting in my hot little hands. My very soul has been burning for this game since I finished the first one in 2004. I can’t express my excitement for the release of this game.

Four years.

I have been watching all the video trailers I can get, I’ve been watching every news post for more information. It’s been a slow, and difficult, process.

This year at PAX, I got to play a demo of the game. I didn’t play it for very long, honestly. I saw it, I went over, and I picked up the controller. I stood there for a few minutes, marveling in how beautiful the game looked. Waiting to see what I would be able to do. There was some sort of media there standing next to me. Writing down things that I was saying.

Then I realized that what I was watching was the beginning of the game. I quickly let go of the controller, meeped out “It’s the beginning! I’m ruining the beginning” and ran away. I’m not sure if that was quoted anywhere, but the guy seemed amused.

As much as I wanted to play the game, I knew that if I stood there and went any further it would only deepen the need to play the game, and ruin some of the mystery for me.

From what I saw, though, waiting four years is well worth it.